We have been hearing a lot about the new Normal,Work from Home (WFH).

With the current situation and challenges in hand, on Business Uncertainties, Global Economic Slowdown, Organisations  sustainability &  profitability,  Solution to Covid-19 still far away, only 33% manpower allowed…Work From Home continues to be inevitable. Also with Tech giants like Large TCS declaring 75% of workforce moving into WFH ( ), the move to WFH is to be adopted by lot of organisations.

However, the question in hand is ::
1. Is our ecosystem conducive to adapt to such a cultural shift ?
2. How well as a Corporate, are we prepared  to support this new normal?

Here are some inputs to help and assist in preparing well ::

1. Is our ecosystem conducive to adapt to such a cultural shift ?

Home Limitations::

Large majority of the staff who would move into WFH are middle class people and are working out a PG, Single Bedroom or a Two Bedroom at best.  With the Lock down for last 45 days, all have got used to assisting or managing daily chores and with those with families were additionally supporting in managing children, pets etc.. too.
How comfortable would it be to handle a call, write a code or attend a meeting with concentration when you are in a 500-1000 sft apartment, with all these activities/distractions around.

As these are going to be inevitable, ensuring productivity is our responsibility. What methods can be used to support this? in reducing distractions especially at working hours? Would Cabinet work spaces help, Flexible work times, organising roasters based on family status ( Single, Family, Family with children )

Working Infrastructure::

The common compliant we hear is Network is bad, Internet is Slow,No backup available, Power cuts, Tables, Ergonomically designed chairs, Laptop /Desktop not compatible enough. Most of the people may not have a appropriate tables or the right chairs for log working times, which could hamper health. These were never concerns when employees were at office. How would you ensure to support with reliable and robust infrastructure, especially to Critical/Important employees, ensuring employee satisfaction and accountability.

Would a support kit, consisting of ergonomically designed chair, work cabinet, data/routers with standby battery backup, headsets, monitor screens for relevant… help.

Supervision & Engagement ::

In the current environment to know whether your team is working effectively as a supervisor, manager you have to continuously monitor if all are staying connected and working well. Isn’t this working more than usual. How would you ensure time management and sanity in work timings.

Social Environment::

We as human being are wired,  we need to have people around . There was always a bonding built when you were around in office. As humans we would like to be appreciated , acknowledged , applauded in person…that’s why we have Town hall, Team lunches/dinners, Annual events, Appreciation days, Celebrations…as it builds camaraderie and sense of belonging.

Would we loose this or what can be the work around to ensure this spirit is never lost.

2. How well are we prepared  to support this new normal of WFH ?

Biggest challenge any corporate is going to face is to create a Secured Office environment in Individual Homes.

As a Corporate/Institution, the Question to ask is ?
– How do we authenticate whether the right person has logged in ?
– How do we ensure the work environment is built so that there is no data leakage ?
– How do we ensure data is protected well ?
– How do we ensure that employees have the right infrastructure to work with ?
– How do we ensure Sanity and seriousness of meetings are maintained.

With Ideal Space Solutions by your side …no need to worry.

Just reach out to us with our Challenge / Concern and we @Ideal Space Solutions would be more than happy to assist in the following through our partners::
1. Designing a special office work module/ cabinet to be used at home.
2. One to Many meeting tools
3. Last mile or multiple level User authentication.
4. Training & Class room Solution.
5. Last mile Security Solutions.
6. Enabling Work spaces or meeting rooms near employee concentration pockets to be used on need basis.
7. Laptops/Desktops for buyout or rentals etc..

Look no further…. in case there is anything else bothering you @workplace , beyond what’s mentioned not worry…feel free to reach out to us and we will activate our wide network to bring quick assistance to you.

We know times are trying…. but TOGETHER we will OVERCOME.

Ideal Space Solutions is always by your side as your Solution Partner

Saji George

Saji George

A self motivated professional with over 26 years of progressive experience in effectively building and managing a business Unit. Proven track record in breathing life and efficiency into the business operations handled across geographies, states. Specialties: Effective Start ups , Key Account Management and Distribution, Process oriented and Systems Build up to bring effectiveness and efficiency in the operation,

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